When hiring a professional architectural photographer the expense becomes more of an investment that can deliver a strong return. With quality photography, you are guaranteed to attract more clients, allowing for a significant return for your investment.

Professional photography has a small upfront cost, however the returns to the company make up for those. You will have high-quality images for mailers, consumer ads, portfolio, website, social media, and more.
Additionally, magazines are always in search of quality photographs of projects. If an editor can preview great images that fit a story idea, more than likely they will use those images than hire another photographer.
Another benefit to quality photography is the chance to enter and win design competitions. Associations such as the NARI and NKBA give awards that spotlight your firm on a national level. Poor photography will severely hinder your chances of winning.
Marketing Is An Investment
Every marketing action should be evaluated for its potential to provide a return on investment of money and time. No matter if it is a television commercial, social media advertisement, or mailers, if it is not likely to bring in that what is going out, then it is not worth the investment. Make sure to run some test placements to see which method of marketing will benefit you the most.
Aim For Significant Results
The amount that spent on an architectural photographer will be relatively small, while the advantages will be significant. Having quality photography will create a brand for your firm and will make you look more professional. When prospects come across your site they will be able to see what you are capable of. We live in a highly visual world, and potential clients are searching online for a business to do their project.
What does it cost?
If you are located in the Tacoma/Seattle area, I would be happy to talk to you about your design. Each project has it own requirements and intended use for the images that no one proposal is the same.